At first it was a research tool used for asking questions about possible introns in the yeast genome. As time went on and our questions and data were more refined we were joined by Carrie Davis (wet lab biologist) and the four of us participated in the creation of the initial site. The early biological work was performed by Mark, Manny, Carrie and other members of the Ares lab. The computational effort was performed by Leslie. The work in researching the literature cross references was performed by Carrie and Leslie. The original paper describing this work was: Carrie found and identified many new introns as described in:
Since then, many other Ares lab members have participated in this effort. More introns were confirmed by Tyson Clark, as described in: Chuck Sugnet, Ross Centers and Angela Telerski added splicing array data to the data base.
Outside help has come from Evan Hurowitz (Pat Brown's lab at Stanford) who shared data about his use of TIGR ESTs to confirm several untested predictions as well as discovering two previously unannotated introns.
Technical assistance has been provided by Haller Igel who confirmed several of the stubborn introns.
Page last updated 4 June 2002